We empower women to shatter spiritual, emotional, and behavioral barriers by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and tools to experience authentic transformation and total life success through Christ.

Transforming Lives Through Faith, One Woman at a Time
At Rx for Purpose, we're committed to bridging the gap between your spiritual aspirations and your daily life. We've seen firsthand how a lack of spiritual clarity can lead to burnout and unfulfilled potential. That's why our vision is laser-focused on equipping you for a life of abundance in Christ.
Spiritual Prosperity: We're on a mission to shake up complacent Christian culture, guiding women toward a life that prospers in every way, just as their soul prospers (3 John 1:2).
Education and Tools: Our goal is to reach millions of women each year, equipping them with the educational resources and practical tools they need for a complete life transformation through Christ.
Community and Purpose: We're building a vibrant community where women are not just educated but also edified and equipped to fulfill their unique roles in the body of Christ.
Abundant Living: Ultimately, we want every woman to experience a life of abundance, deeply rooted in a transformative relationship with God.
"I knew I couldn't be the only one..."
I know the struggle of performative faith all too well. At 17, I was ambitious enough to start honors college, and by 23, I had landed my dream job as a NICU nurse. On the surface, it appeared as if I had it all: a fulfilling career, a loving marriage, and a cozy home. But what people didn't see was the emotional turmoil I was going through. I was in a deep-seated depression, teetering on the edge of a complete breakdown.
It wasn't until a life-altering conversation with my grandmother, affectionately known as Gigi, that I began to see the light. She helped me realize that my relationship with God wasn't about ticking off a religious checklist; it was about forging an authentic, meaningful connection with Him. After spending just a few weeks immersed in the Word under Gigi's guidance, I started to experience a transformation so profound that it radiated through every aspect of my life. My newfound peace was so palpable that even my husband noticed the change and very quickly started his own personal pursuit of God.
But as I navigated this journey, it became clear to me that I couldn't be the only one grappling with these issues. So many of us experience the euphoria of salvation but are left unprepared for the spiritual challenges that inevitably come our way. We're set up for failure, burdened by a lack of clarity and spiritual instruction, and it's a cycle that needs to be broken. So in 2019, I started my podcast God, Goals, & Girl Talk out of sheer obedience and a desire to 'find my people' who knew there was more but wasn't sure how to get there.
As I spoke on the podcast week to week God continued to grow my faith and make my purpose more clear. I was called to feed His sheep and help them navigate total life success and purpose through His word. In 2023, I officially rebranded the podcast to Rx For Purpose and God began to download the totality of His vision that He had cultivated over the past several years. My mission is to guide you toward the life of peace, pace, and prosperity that God has always intended for you. Through our Spiritual Wellness Blueprint™, we offer a roadmap to help you articulate those complex emotions and spiritual roadblocks, crafting an impactful action plan rooted in Biblical principles and practical strategies. This unique approach integrates your spiritual well-being with your overall life goals, empowering you to break free from the cycle of feeling stuck and finally experience the total life transformation you've been yearning for.